Intuitive Consultations
Are you seeking insight?
Do you feel in transition,
but you are not sure
what step to take next?
Could you benefit from an
energy healing or a touch of grace?
One on One Consultation
Your initial session may include an intuitive recap of where you are and where you are headed, guidance around your unique spiritual path and capabilities, and/or compass points for setting direction of your future life.
Whether focused on information or healing, consultations aim to help you to access your own inner awareness and personal power so that you may understand your unique life path. The power to change your life comes from within, all healing and creation starts from understanding the energies that are in the process of transforming your life, which will help inform you as to what is trying to emerge from your current life experiences — and how to engage with that dynamic process.
Intuitive guidance can help you to see the patterns in effect in your life and help give you actions to take in order to move beyond your current confusions into a more clear, steady, and expansive way of being. It is when we are truly embodying our Soul’s essence that life opens to us and we can move more freely in rhythm to the natural cycles of our lives.
When you are able to perceive your life and your longings through the eyes of the Divine, you are able to see more clearly your unique path and the necessary resources needed to proceed with your personal journey.
In-depth Consultations
An in-depth consultation lasts 55 minutes and is shaped to fit your needs, and can include a comprehensive look at one of the governing influences affecting you. Examples could be:
Relationship Consultations: You may be seeking insight in a particular relationship, or you would like to understand the energetic dynamics of certain kinds of relationships and ways of relating.
Relocation Consultations: This is very helpful when considering making a move to a new place, space, city or countryside. The energetics of the land in the new potential home can have a profound effect on your healing.
Professional Consultations: Whether you’re planning to make a career transition, or develop a new work/life strategy.
Half-hour Consultations
In this 27-minute session get to the heart of what’s going on and unlock immediate solutions. All consultations will consist of a private phone session and you will receive a link to download the recording after the consultation. Please note: Recordings for consultations are provided to clients as a courtesy and are included in the consultation fee.
Everyone that has received a reading leaves feeling validated and presented with a lot to process and reflect on afterward.
Caveat: The intuitive domain is not an exact science. One cannot provide you with ‘all the answers’ or speak for the Divine, or foresee every aspect of your future. Destiny is shaped by the choices we make today. Instead, the ability to see energetic patterns at work in your life can help you open to your own abilities.

Do you Desire a Deeper and More Immersive Experience?
Are you ready to go deep and discover your unique, soulful, intelligent, and meaningful place in the world? Discover your Soul Path through the Wisdom of the Four Directions.
In this 5 month in depth immersion program you will learn healing techniques that combine earth based wisdom with modern neuroscience and methodology. You will learn to listen to your internal compass in order to guide you on the path that is right for you.