The Spiritual Significance of Eclipse Cycles

Eclipses are harbingers of change — they usher in evolution.

The good thing about eclipses is that generally you can trust the direction they are guiding you in. Eclipses may help to bring about events in your life that are part of the cosmic plan, but it is not that the eclipse makes something happen in your life, it is that you have the ability to see things more clearly then you have before. These are important times for reflection upon your life, what you need to let go of and move on from. 

The upcoming total lunar eclipse will be on the full moon of March 13th to 14th. Lunar Eclipses are viewed in astrology as being deeply transformative times that can bring abrupt and sudden emotional change. While this is true, there is another side to eclipses that is important to remember. Eclipses are like the cosmic helping hand of the Universe, their energies help to break patterns and bring unresolved emotional issues to the surface.

On a lunar eclipse, the shadow of the Earth falls across the face of the Moon, this is when unconscious feelings may rise in to awareness, and we may see things more clearly than we had been able to before. Then we have the chance to understand our participation and behaviors that contribute to the unwanted patterns we are experiencing in our lives.

In a lunar eclipse, the earth momentarily blocks the illumination from the sun that creates a full moon, resetting the current emotional cycle and allowing the shadow to reveal what is hidden in our subconscious or keeping us blocked from seeing more clearly. The spiritual aspects of the moon represent our deep emotional tides, and so when the shadow passes over the moon, temporarily ceasing the illumination of our emotional being, there is an opportunity to reveal and transform our current emotional state.

A lunar eclipse can be an extremely powerful time for cleansing our emotional waters and setting intention for renewal and rejuvenation in the coming months, because the energetic cycles of this upcoming lunar eclipse on March 13th will extend through the period of next three months. In the final months of 2025 you will experience the full evolution of this arc or a completion of this cycle with the after effects rippling all the way into 2026’s new eclipse cycle.


Endings are necessary in order to make way for the new and an eclipse cycle is like the final purge or cleansing of an emotional cycle. If something needs to be gone from your life, if something needs to come to an end, an eclipse can help you to set the intention of completion in concrete in the external world.

Change is constant. We talk about growth and change and letting go of the things that no longer serve us with hope. But the reality is, change is uncomfortable and can bring up a lot of fear of the unknown.

We like things that are familiar and comfortable, even our worst habits can be serving us in some way by keeping us small and comfortable. Real change requires us to be conscious of our emotions and feelings. We can step into a new way of being by honoring and recognizing ourselves and the natural rhythms of life.


Every single full moon brings a chance to embrace changes, let go, and cultivate greater connection with the Divine. I believe we can experience connection with the Divine by simply being mindful and present to the cycles of nature, the seasons, and life all around us.

The energy of a full moon is always that of the cycle coming to a crescendo or completion of its influence and essence. The full moon is an opportunity to let go of an aspect of your emotional experience that you have outgrown and a time for anchoring in a new maturity or wisdom that was gained in the previous cycle; it is a perfect time for releasing something that no longer serves you.

The full moon is the time to release attachments or blocks and barriers to our worthiness, and open ourselves to greater receiving and inspiration. The energy of a full moon is always that of a cycle coming to a height of its current resonance. Whatever you needed to let go of, whatever changes you needed to make, an eclipse on the full moon can help you to release and let go and open to the new. 

By developing a spiritual practice that is founded in earth based wisdom and honoring the cycles of the moon and seasonal cycles of change and growth we can live in greater peace and harmony in our daily lives.


The energetic theme of this upcoming lunar then solar eclipse, will last all the way through the end of this year. It will open a gateway of energy that can be productive, active and positive, when you engage consciously with the shadow sides of self that may be revealed to you during this eclipse cycle.

Eclipses come in pairs, and so the energy of this year’s eclipse cycle begins around March 13, with a total lunar eclipse on the full moon, resetting emotional patterns, and then will be followed by a partial solar eclipse on March 29, resetting energetic patterns. Solar eclipses are resets in the energy field or archetypal configurations, where as, lunar eclipses are culminations of emotional cycles that have run their course. Both encourage us to let go of emotions and attachments that are no longer serving us and evolve into something new.

There are four to seven eclipses every calendar year. Typically, there are two eclipse seasons, one after the start of the year in Springtime and one toward the completion of the year in autumn. Year 2025 has 4 eclipses, 2 solar eclipses and 2 lunar eclipses.

2025 Mar 13-14: Total Lunar Eclipse
2025 Mar 29: Partial Solar Eclipse
2025 Sep 7-8: Total Lunar Eclipse
2025 Sep 21: Partial Solar Eclipse

You may look back to the ending of 2024, take note of the start of October through the new year cycle and try to realize themes or patterns that arose during that time. Can you see the arc of their progression through this year to the beginning of March?

Trust whatever is unfolding in your life as natural to the cycles of transformation and change and know that it is all for a higher purpose.


Doing a small personal ritual on the eclipses, like lighting a candle or writing an intention down on paper and burning it, can help you to engage the energies of release and usher in new changes.

As our planet stands upon a precipice of enormous change and transformation, each one of us has a choice to make. How will we participate in the great turning of our times?

When you begin to align with the energies of nature, you activate the latent power within you and begin to dissolve many of your problems.

If you are cut off from the truth of your being, you don’t just fail to fulfill your potential, you experience many other side-effects. The challenges you face in the other areas — health, work, relationships, prosperity — are often symptoms of a disconnection from the divine pattern in you. That’s why many attempts to solve those other problems don’t work — because they’re symptoms, not the cause.

Spiritual Journey to Peru 2025

June 7-15 *Only 5 spaces available

Chloë Rain

Chloë Rain is the Founder of Explore Deeply. She has been trained in ceremonial practices and shamanic healing techniques from two living traditional medicine paths, one in North America and one in South America. She is a certified Native American Healing Arts Practitioner and has a Masters degree in Indigenous Studies from the Arctic University of Norway, where she spent four years researching the sacred landscape of Sápmi, the land of the indigenous Sámi people.

Through her work she hopes to inspire more people to listen to their soul’s calling, and cause them to look a little closer at themselves, at the natural environment that surrounds them, and at other people and our beliefs of separation, race, culture, and religion.


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