Why Am I Alive?
There are times when our world feels like it is breaking down and dissolving right in front of our eyes and we might feel like it is totally out of our control.
As we are stripped of things we once thought were important, as we lose things, precious things, we begin to understand that at the core of our being we are worthy of existence, not because of what we do or what we have, but because of who we are.
No one else thinks your thoughts, feels your feelings, has your desires, or is capable of doing the things you do, in the way that you and only you do them.
When we explore deeply our reason for existence, we begin to know our own self-worth in a way that we've never contemplated or experienced before.
Your Life Matters Because You Are Alive
The essence of living a meaningful life, is appreciation for life in and of itself. Your life matters, because you are you, and no one else can do what you are here to do. Since you are still alive, your life has a reason and a purpose. Your life and the value you bring to the world through your own self expression and creativity are the most priceless possessions that no one and no thing can ever take from you.
So often, people feel like "there's got to be more to life..."
You need to know that your life purpose exists and who you are serves a greater purpose in this world.
When you find yourself asking the question, "Why am I Alive?"
Know, that if there is still breath in your lungs, you have a purpose. There is a reason for your existence.
How do I know about this?
...from my unique challenges in life, starting from when I almost died in an accident, then later was diagnosed with a debilitating auto-immune disease, and lost everything I had ever earned in order to recover my health and ultimately discover happiness.
When you find yourself wondering who you are and why you are here, know that this is one of the most important paths of inquiry one can take as a human being on earth.
It is possible to come from out of the darkness and experience real happiness.
You may be aware that there is something really missing from your life... a sense of purpose and joy that you feel is just outside your reach. Learning to explore deeply is one of the essential qualities of living a truly inspired life.
Anything is possible once we find our own unique way of connecting with our divine source. Once you find your own connection to your heart and your creative imagination the change you experience becomes visible, the internal shift creates external effects.
You look different, you feel different, you think different. The doors fly open.
Sometimes you just know that life is calling you to take a leap of faith and change your current circumstances, but you just don't know how. Although many of us hear the call of our inner desires and dreams, it is often difficult to find the path forward to our own awakening.
You might know exactly what it is you’re meant to do in this lifetime, or you might not.
Very often, calling it drive and ambition, we become too focused on the tasks in front of us to realize the infinite possibilities that exist for us in each day. We are committed to a certain personal or professional agenda and we tell ourselves that this is all we have energy and time for.
I have found it takes courage to take the leap of faith, it can be daunting to listen to the soft voice inside you that is telling you to explore something outside the box.
Sometimes we find ourselves struggling because we've done everything right and followed all the rules and still we haven't connected to that one thing that makes us thrive, our own unique creative genius, and so we fail to stand out in a crowd. You've first got to take the leap of faith toward your own unique way of being and this is where life can get messy. You feel like you don't know who you are any more, but you know you can't go on being who you've been, and if you don't try to make some kind of change you know you'll feel a little less alive.
When we surrender ourselves to the energy of the Universe, we begin to learn that our hopes and dreams were meant for us, and the longing we feel inside is helping to guide us to a place of personal fulfillment and wellness. By learning to connect to the divinity with in us, we expand our capacity to receive love and increase the channels of flow and opportunities.
When we allow ourselves time to be ourselves, forgive ourselves, and be real, we create space and time for life to show up differently for us, more in alignment with who we were born to be.
When we feel more alive, more vital, and more connected to our own truth and the flow of the Universe, we can experience amazing things in our lives.
Thank you for joining me on this journey. Thank you for being you.
In love and service,
Chloë Rain
At your fullest potential, in your simplest form...with no fears...
Who are you?
A Gift for You → Words for Worthiness
“Many people who are going through the early stages of the awakening process are no longer certain what their outer purpose is. What drives the world no longer drives them. Seeing the madness of our civilization so clearly, they feel somewhat alienated from the culture around them. Some feel that they inhabit a no-man’s-land between two worlds. They are no longer run by the ego, yet the arising awareness has not yet become fully integrated into their lives. Inner and outer purpose have not merged.”
We are living in a time that the indigenous people prophesied as a major shift of human consciousness. These Visionaries spoke of this shift as a time to “remember who we are”, to turn your attention inward and live from your heart and truth; to understand your essential nature and the power you have to create great change in your life and on the planet.
The Eagle and the Condor is an ancient prophecy of the Amazon that speaks of human societies splitting into two paths - that of the Eagle, and that of the Condor.
The Eagle people are typically mind-oriented, industrial and related to masculine energy, often identified with science and technology. They have been the explorers, the colonists, and the aggressors in the records of history.
The Condor people are intuitive, creative, feeling, and related more to feminine energy. Indigenous people have usually identified with this path, as they prioritize the heart above the brain, and mysticism over rationalism in their cultures.
The prophecy says that for many years these two paths would not cross at all. Then, in the Fourth Pachakuti, they would come together and the Eagle would be so strong as to practically drive the Condor into extinction—but not quite. And we know that, following Columbus, this is what happened on many continents.
The prophecy says that the 1490s would begin a 500 year period during (the Fourth Pachakuti) which the Eagle people would become so powerful that they would virtually drive the Condor people out of existence. This can be seen in the conquering of the Americas and the killing and oppressing of the indigenous peoples in the subsequent 500 years – up to and including today.
Most of us grew up in the Eagle culture. Now we are coming face to face with the Condor culture, which is represented by the indigenous people, in a dance that began in earnest in the 1990s. Each of us, and our culture, has these two aspects that have been referred to as the masculine and the feminine, or the Eagle and the Condor.
We have come through the technological revolution and are continuing to make progress in that area, but at the same time we’re in the process of creating an unsustainable economy, based on war, and also on raping and pillaging Mother Earth and destroying her resources. When we see the damage being done, our Condor side informs us that we know in our hearts we can no longer do this. It’s time to change. Time to create a Life Economy.
There has been and continues to be a desire on the part of the Eagle peoples to understand Condor peoples, and an interest on the part of Condor peoples to share their knowledge. The shamans have come forward, now willing to offer their wisdom. They are also very interested in learning more about the Eagle people and science. This mutual interest and education is a manifestation of the prophecy.
But, and this is so important, the legend says We the People need to make it happen, we need to keep pushing to have the Condor and Eagle mate and create a higher level of consciousness. It is not by any means an automatic process. It will take all of us on both sides of the path.
The prophecy says that during the next 500-year period, beginning in 1990, the potential would arise for the Eagle and the Condor to come together, to fly in the same sky, and to create a new level of consciousness for humanity. The prophecy only speaks of the potential, so it’s up to us to activate this potential and ensure that a new consciousness is allowed to arise.
The Prophecy of the Condor and Eagle can be taken at many levels — the standard interpretation is that it foretells the sharing of indigenous knowledge with the technologies of science, the balancing of yin and yang, and the bridging of northern and southern cultures. However, most powerful is the message it offers about consciousness; it says that we have entered a time when we can benefit from the many diverse ways of seeing ourselves and the world, and that we can use these as a springboard to higher levels of awareness. As human beings we can truly wake up and evolve into a more conscious species.
The Eagle and Condor legend most likely comes from the Amazon and dates back more than 2000 years, although we cannot know for certain when and where the story originates. I have found versions of it in the Andes, through Central America, and have seen its influence on the Maya, the Aztec, the Hopi, and the Navajo.
The prophecy serves as a way of classifying and understanding changes in the world, from north to south and from east to west. It is an explanation of the two different paths that the human race has taken throughout history.
These two paths have diverged time and time again, but the prophecy states that the time is NOW when the two paths will potentially conjoin to become one.
These prophecies describe a story of division and conflict, but also of union and peace.
Reclaim Your Unique Vision
A vision is not a glimpse of what will be in the future — it’s an awareness of what is already true within you, here and now.
The vision is not something you make up, it is who you were born to be. It’s your true power, your essence, your genius, and the source of your abundance.
When you are cut off from the truth of your essence, you don’t just fail to fulfill your potential, you experience many other side-effects. The challenges you face in the other areas — health, work, relationships, prosperity — are often symptoms of a disconnection from this divine pattern in you. That’s why many attempts to solve those other problems don’t work — because they’re symptoms, not the cause.
When you rediscover your vision and begin to align with the forces of nature, you activate the latent power within you and begin to dissolve many of your problems.
Wisdom of the Four Directions Apprenticeship
5 Month Apprenticeship Program : Learn to Embody Your Unique Source of Power, Uncover Your Strengths, Break Free of Limiting Patterns, Learn to Heal Yourself and Be in Greater Service to the World
If you would genuinely like to stay connected and join my community of spiritual explorers, I invite you to sign up for the Explore Deeply Movement below ↓.
I try to offer my community as many free resources, content, and tools as I can to help you feel connected and inspired.
Chloë Rain founded Explore Deeply™ & The Explore Deeply Movement based on a belief that all beings have a purposeful reason for being here on the planet at this time.
One of Chloë’s specialties is helping individuals learn to source their inner power and answer their own unique calling, so they may experience greater fulfillment in their lives. She has had the pleasure of working with women and men all over the globe to heal their relationship with self and love so they can enjoy the happiness they have always wanted, and experience confidence and joy in their lives and relationships. Many of her clients find that their relationships and careers shift dramatically in new and exciting ways after doing this work, creating more personal freedom in their lives.
Chloë is trained in ceremonial practices from two living energy medicine traditions, one in South America and one in North America. She has a Master’s degree in Indigenous Studies from the Arctic University of Norway, is a certified Native American Healing Arts Practitioner, as well as having professional accreditation as a mentor trained in multiple healing modalities including EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique or tapping) and NLP (neuro linguistic programming), and meditation instructor training.
In 2010 Chloë founded The Explore Deeply Movement™ on a belief that every person, no matter where they are at in life, how old or young, how established or unsure, how confused or unclear, has a unique and purposeful reason for being alive. Exploring deeply is the way to uncover your unique and divine destiny.
Chloë offers private mentorship programs that provide guidance to help develop personal and intuitive approaches to creating fulfillment and prosperity in your daily life. She also offers spiritual journey to Peru to sit in ceremony and leads journeys to mystical Europe throughout the year. To stay connected and receive information about upcoming adventures please join the mailing list.
“My life and soul’s purpose is dedicated to the revolution of the human spirit through random acts of intrigue and experiments in joy.
As you turn inward and fall in love with the truth of who you really are, you become whole, despite the brokenness.”