Rye Hill Poetry Reading- 36 years of friendship & poetry
Something fierce has taken over me, I believe it is JOY.

“Once at Cold Mountain troubles cease— No more tangled, hung up mind. I idly scribble poems on the rock cliff, Taking whatever comes like a drifting boat.”

Lament : a self portrait
You once loved me . you once
hated me . you craved me . I
was your brain. you possessed
me -- a ripe grape plucked
and pressed and now sipped
will you consume me again ?
you remain stained in purple
hues forever : shattered
stemware dripping , cold wood
floors --an emptiness
I once knew as innocence
we adored in and out , out and in , in
thought we never understood
forever or daytime, how to stay leave
stay, come back again.
on your horse I laugh a red lamp
over the hills and the hooves
on the grass exalt : I love you,
I hate you, my saddle , my reins
tight and leather, your lips, your breath
your eyes, your back stretched tanned
and worn the pale glass shadows
Poet- Unknown
The more I allow myself to be me, the less energy I expend on hiding all the scary parts I didn't want anyone to see, the more and more love and friendship I receive.
Poeme a la glorie des etincelles : Poem to the glory of sparkles